2. Departmental Reports:
Electric, Water, Sewer, Police, Street, R.O. Plant,
Golf Complex, Economic Development Director and Interim City Secretary.
Electric Department Superintendent Brad Tilley:
The electric department has been pretty busy this month. Completed
91 work orders and also
completed our work with Project 277.
I would like to thank the Water and Street departments for their help.
Water/Wastewater Supertintendent Greg Shumate:
was unavailable due to a Regional Waterworks meeting in Graham.
Chief of Seymour Police Department Tommy Duncan:
The department handled several hundred calls this month. I will be
Chief of Police school from October 9th – October 13th. I would
also like to remind everyone
about the Special Olympics on September 30, 2006.
Economic Development John Studer:
Here is the text of Mr. Studer’s written report:
The projects this office is working on this month
Beautification and Sidewalks:
As I mentioned in the last report, I have already turned in the TXDOT
application for a section of Washington Street. I talked to the coordinator
in TX Dot’s Wichita Falls District office. They said it would
be probably in October before we knew our status on the grant. I also
received some information from Tx Dot’s district director, by
way of Judge Coltharp on the project down Main Street which would be
similar to the City of Munday. It is going to be difficult through this
district, but I’m a long ways from giving up on securing the much
needed sidewalks. The City has already received the $5000 grant reimbursement
from the Texas Department of Agriculture for the downtown lighting project.
The remainder of the lights were shipped on the 11th, so they should
be in before you read this report. I have visited with Ms. Bobbie Loving
on setting the amount and the procedure for allowing purchases of these
lights as memorial. This will be worked out before the “Coming
Home” reunion on the 30th. I will speak at this event. The purchasing
of the lights by private citizens is one of the topics I am going to
encourage. As the current 30 street lights are dedicated or purchased
by the public, a new additional light will be purchased with the memorial
or donated funds and will be installed in the downtown area. The citizens
of Munday have privately purchased 100 lamps for their town.
The sealing of the outside walls of the City Hall Auditorium has been
completed. It took about $2200 out of the account to accomplish the
job. The building should be completely sealed from the outside elements.
I visited with Shelly Green, who is the grant writer for the City of
Seymour about starting the grant for the restoration on the auditorium.
She has asked that I speak with Ralph Perkins about the cost of new
bathrooms and the ADA ramp. I have contacted him and he is to let me
know shortly when he can meet. Ms. Green says the money is available;
we just have to assemble all the facts and estimates.
Highway 277 Corridor:
My office has been contacting several land owners along the new reroute
about annexation of their property. I have three and possibly four that
are currently willing to be brought into the city limits. I have already
sent the City’s attorney, Mr. Paul Hayers, a legal description
of one landowner’s property. He has to create a legal agreement
where by the property owners formally sign a request to be annexed.
The property needs to be annexed to assure city services will be available
to this new area and therefore enhance the Corridor’s chances
of being developed. I am currently working with a large group of local
business persons which want to develop a hotel/motel and possibly a
restaurant and truck stop. We have several local investors which are
very interested in investing in this new area. The new corridor is definitely
a great opportunity that we need to fully take advantage of.
Bomarton Cooperative:
This is the only cooperative still left in Baylor County. They are going
to have to re-locate due to the highway construction. They have asked
me for help. I have given them a lot of contact information and the
source of a possible grant. This is an important business which faces
some costly rebuilding decisions.
Rural Development:
I had two representatives in my office this month. I am going to attempt
to secure a grant from RD for a revolving loan fund for new and existing
businesses in March. There is also an infrastructure grant for the Business
Park I hope to attempt at the same time.
Allies Golf Scramble:
The fifth annual event will be held on Thursday, the 25th. It is designed
to encourage regional friendships and cooperation. The event is a good
opportunity to show off the golf complex and the community in general.
I have already secured sponsorship for the event. Therefore, it will
be free to those which attend.
There are always a number of projects in progress that might not be
in this report. If you have any questions or advice, I urge you to call,
or come by my office, anytime. As always, thank you for your support
of the efforts of this office to strengthen our community’s future.
R.O. Plant Rick Garcia:
was unavailable due to Regional Waterworks meeting in Graham.
Street Supervisor Ronnie Kolacek:
Our department has been pretty busy helping the Electric Department
with Project 277. We’ve also been busy mowing, keeping the airport
and hospital looking good. I’ve been running the mosquito sprayer
trying to keep the mosquito problem down. We also tore down the house
on Mclain Street and the lot looks a lot nicer. Reminding everyone that
the “Fall Clean Up” is running from October 14th –
October 22nd , 2006.
Interim City Secretary Conchita Torrez:
There were no comments or report by Conchita Torrez and no questions
were asked by council.
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